Classic Rimfire Sporting Rifles
These are the timeless, high quality rimfire rifles, that will become part of your family, passed down for generations, enjoyed and cherished. Shipping is $45 to your FFL with a 3 day non-firing inspection, unless specified "as is". I have others that are not listed here. If you don't see what you want, please ask. All bores exc. unless specified otherwise. Additional photos available. Thanks!

151 Brno ZG 47 Square Bridge Mauser, chambered in the wonderful flat shooting 7x64 Brenneke. This is perhaps the most preferred caliber in Europe. Many critics will claim this gun is the best commercial Mauser rifle ever made. I tend to agree, as I'm a big fan of them. Designed in 1947, only 20,000 produced, and very few have made it to the States. Has the Brno cock to fire safety, solid square bridge receiver, topped with a 4x12x56 Admiral scope, original open sights in place, bluing around 94%. Some wear at muzzle, and trigger guard, set trigger. Rich dark grain straight walnut stock, with cheek. Nice fine line checkering typical of the era. These guns are getting hard to find, especially in original condition. If you are a Mauser action fan like me, this will make a fine addition to any collection. I hunt with them often.
SOLD $2250.00
SOLD $2250.00

154 Savage 24 S-D, .22 Win. Mag over .410. 24" completely joined barrel with excellent bores. Certainly an early production gun. Nothing fancy about this one, some scratches, bluing 92% plus, L.O.P. 14 ". Rylon sling included.

155 Stevens 311A, 12x12 side by side, 2 3/4" chamber 28" inch barrels, excellent bores. I call these a "working Man's" double. This one must be an early version with a serial number of , "58".95% plus bluing, L.O.P. , hardwood stock, with very few handling marks. Whether it is a first double gun, or one of many, kind of an iconic addition to any collection of American made double barrels from days gone by.

157 Krico Stutzen, .22lr, 19 1/2" barrel with very nice clean bore, 3 leaf back folding sight, L.O.P. 14", and set trigger. Nice dark straight walnut stock with cheek, few handling marks. Bluing 92%, some wear near the front sight. Fine little gun awaiting your scope of choice. the Stutzen style guns are certain to increase in value.

189 Krico Luxus Stutzen, chambered in classic flat .243 Winchester.Not rare, but Stutzen's like this are getting harder to find. Exceptional smooth bluing, 98%. Nice walnut stock with Bavarian cheek. Very few handling marks, set trigger. very nice to have on a rifle, and adds value. Bore is in excellent condition. Unique take off mount, includes the famous Schmitt & Bender 6x42 scope, clear optics, German number one pointer. The scope swivels off, and returns to center. I have seen these type of mounts in the past, and they look expensive. If you are a Stutzen fan like me, this is it. L.O.P.14 1/2"
SOLD $2250.00
SOLD $2250.00

190 Anschutz 1532 . Chambered in .222 Remington. If you are a fan of "Annies" this beautiful 1956 gun will astound you. I'm always reluctant to say one of a kind, but this gun just might be one. In my travels visiting, and purchasing guns in Germany, I have never seen one like it. Pictures do not quite do justice. Well done Oak Leaf engraving on both sides of receiver, and trigger guard. Surrounding the engraving are inlaid gold borders. Gold inlaid ring near the end of the muzzle. Bolt is also engraved, very classy touch. Famous Anschutz 54 action, Some handling marks on the wood, but expected on a gun of this vintage. The dark walnut stock appears to be a select grade. Bluing 98%, very finely finished in a royal blue. Set trigger, barrel topped with claw mounts, Zeiss Diatal-D, 4x32 scope, clear optics, and heavy horizontal cross hair with fine cross hair in the center. Can't really say enough about this gun, other than the fact someone is going to end up with a very superlative firearm. Any questions let me know.

191 Walther KKJ Stutzen. 1960 model chambered in the classic .22 Hornet. Very fine quality rifle, set trigger, L.O.P. 14 1/4". Excellent bore, barrel topped, with claw mounts, Zeiss Diatal 4x32, clear optics, and German Number one pointer. Bluing 97%, nice walnut stock, stock, with Bavarian cheek. very few handling marks. If you like Stutzen style rifles, and .22 Hornet rifles as much as I do, this will make a fine addition. Known for accuracy, and reliability.

192 Krico Stutzen, chambered in .22lr. Very nice gun, with straight dark walnut stock with cheek. Some handling marks on wood. Bluing 97%, missing back sight. set trigger, barrel toped with Lightner 6x24x50 scope, clear optics, with fine cross hair. nice end cap on the muzzle end. Nice gun here folks,and good opportunity for a 22 Stutzen rifle.

193 Brno ZKW 465 .22 Hornet made in 1973. I can't say enough about the older Brno line of firearms. Excellent quality, and workmanship. I have a number of them in my own collection. Nice straight walnut stock, a few handling marks but nice. no cheek on this one, but shoulders well. L.O.P. 14 1/2". Bluing 97%, set trigger, barrel topped with a Hunter 3x9x40 scope clear optics. Scope has horizontal lines from both directions with a circle, and cross hair in the center. The color of the sight picture can be adjusted to different lighting conditions, by rotating a ring near the eye piece. I have seen Hunter scopes in the past, but this is the first one with that option. Nice quality rifle.

205 Anschutz 1532, chambered .222 Rem, 23 inch barrel, hooded front sight, with folding leaf mid sight. 11mm rail weaver type for scope mount. Famous Anschutz 54 action, and set trigger. Very fine example, bluing 98% plus, excellent bore. Walnut stock with cheek, and nice butt pad. Very few handling marks on this one, almost like new. L.O.P. 14 1/2". great value compared to a new one.

206 Walther KKJ, 1956 model chambered in one of favorite small calibers, .22 Hornet. Know for accuracy, these are very fine rifles. 22" barrel, hooded front sight, back sight graduated out to 200 meters. Small Nichol Marbourgh 2 1/2 power scope on picatany rail. very nice walnut stock with cheek, and original butt plate. Bluing 97%, very, very few handling marks. L.O.P. 14 1/4". Fine gun for this vintage

207 Anschutz model 1533 , stutzen chambered in .222 Rem. made in 1962. I have a passion for classy full stock rifles. Not a lot of them made any more. condition on this one is very, very nice. 18 1/2" barrel, two leaf back sight, bluing 97%, topped with claw mounts, 4x32 Geldbaugh scope, German number 1 pointer, clear optics. Rich walnut Bavarian stock with cheek.Famous Anschutz 54 action, with set trigger. Bore is very minty, and good value compared to a new one.

208 Krico 700 Stutzen , chambered in 9.3x62. Compares to the famous 35 Whelen. This caliber is suitable for a wide variety of big game, light weight for extended walking, .and quick handling. 20 1/4" barrel, 97% bluing with E.A.W type mounts awaiting a fine scope of your choice. Dark grained Bavarian stock with cheek, and few handling marks. Smooth set trigger, and nice butt pad. I call these the baby .375 H&H. L.O.P 14 1/2". These are fine shooting guns, and excellent caliber.

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