The neat things that go with classic guns: Collecting, hunting and shooting...

Ammo holder/wallet for drillings & combination guns. Holds up to 9,3x74 & 12 ga. Small elastic loops for your einstecklauf (sub caliber insert barrel) ammo. Classic German hunting stag (St. Hubertus) embossed. $29.50Extra

Insert barrels for drilings or combination guns. Called Einstecklaufs by the Germans. Usually installed in the right shotgun barrel. They are a great addition to make your drilling a true all around gun. They are adjustable for point of impact so you can synchronize them with your sights or scope. I have one for each of my drillings & combination guns and always keep one in my day pack while hunting. I sight mine for 25 yards. They are quickly inserted or removed and return to zero. I prefer the Krieghoff insert barrels. They are @ 22 cm long. I occasionally get the longer 44cm versions which are more expensive. There are also centerfire inserts, some of which are muzzle length, but the short rimfire ones are the handiest, and the ones I get most often. Some will have the orginal sleeve pictured, but often they don't. They have an instertion/removal key and I provide instructions with them. The price varies with condition, caliber etc. $350 is about average. These are very accurate barrels. See the target shot at 25 meters (10 shots) with a 22cm insert.
A note from a customer in AK regarding 2 Einstecklaufs (22wmr) he bought for his & his wife's drillings.
"Holy smokes you weren’t shittin when you said they were accurate. Brandy and I were plinking fools yesterday , ragged holes at 25 yards and 1 inch groups at 100 , nothing is safe around here anymore. Thanks for everything Greg"
"Holy smokes you weren’t shittin when you said they were accurate. Brandy and I were plinking fools yesterday , ragged holes at 25 yards and 1 inch groups at 100 , nothing is safe around here anymore. Thanks for everything Greg"