"Drillings, combination guns, & classic shotguns.
Always a 3 day inspection, (except those marked "as-is") $60 shipping in the lower 48
I sometimes have extra sub caliber insert barrels or "einstecklaufs" for drillings and combination guns. But, I always try to have some reserved for drilling buyers. See "accessories" page for more info on these fine accessories.
"Hunting with combined Shotgun/Rifles or multi-barreled guns is a typically Continental hunting tradition, where many different types of game live in close proximity in small habitats. Combination weapons allow the hunter to collect different game with one and the same weapon. A very practical solution for hunting ranges with diverse game whose shooting seasons overlap.
From the gunmaker's point of view, the crafting of combined guns & rifles represents the highest challenge. From the individual design aimed at crafting a weapon that will be a pleasure to handle, to the conjoining of multiple barrels, the building of the inner mechanisms and last but not least the regulating and test-shooting of multiple barrels, combined weapons and multi-barrelled guns are the true test of expert craftsmanship." Johann Fanzoj Ferlach, Austria, Founded 1790
Note: See gun #513 Fanzoj drilling
Drilling makers
I get a lot of questions about who makes/made the best drillings and combination guns. There were many small makers who were good. The most popular maker in Germany where people are very discriminating with regard to these classic hunting weapons is JP Sauer. I would have to agree they are very solid, accurate and reliable guns. I also like Merkel guns and Krieghoff, though they're more expensive. The Austrians also made some fine drillings. I pretty much limited the ones I bring in to those makers. I also feel the earlier guns were better made than the current production guns that are semi-mass produced on CNC equipment with monoblocked barrels with minimal handwork and less time spent on things like barrel regulation, fit & finish. Those early guns from the 50-70's with all the handwork would be prohibitively expensive to build today. Many of those artisans have moved on to the big gun shop in the sky, taking their skills with them.
I get a lot of questions about who makes/made the best drillings and combination guns. There were many small makers who were good. The most popular maker in Germany where people are very discriminating with regard to these classic hunting weapons is JP Sauer. I would have to agree they are very solid, accurate and reliable guns. I also like Merkel guns and Krieghoff, though they're more expensive. The Austrians also made some fine drillings. I pretty much limited the ones I bring in to those makers. I also feel the earlier guns were better made than the current production guns that are semi-mass produced on CNC equipment with monoblocked barrels with minimal handwork and less time spent on things like barrel regulation, fit & finish. Those early guns from the 50-70's with all the handwork would be prohibitively expensive to build today. Many of those artisans have moved on to the big gun shop in the sky, taking their skills with them.

171 J.P. Sauer & Sohn, 1955 vintage combination gun chambered 16x7x65R. 251/2" barrel, mirror like bores, full choke. Some handling marks as expected for a gun of this vintage. Rich dark walnut with straight cheek. L.O.P. 14 1/4" Bluing 97%, original butt plate,verey tight lockup, set trigger. Has see thru claw mounts, topped with a clear Kettner 6x42, with German number one pointer. I really like the guns from the 1950's, 60's. Top craftmanship from a lot of artisans no longer with us. Good value, and investment.

172 Heym 22S combination gun, chambered 16x.22 Win mag. Mirror like bores, 23 5/8" barrel, choked full. bluing 90%, small spot on barrel, probably from a gun rack. Side selector for barrel choice, and if you know about these guns, because of the cocking, probably one of the safest guns ever made. Karl Kapps 4x36, clear optics, with German Number One pointer, claw mounts. Back sight missing. Nice walnut Bavarian cheek, some handling marks. they are nice handling, easy carrying guns. Perfect for small game, and varmints.

173 Savage 24H-DL, chambered .22 Win Mag, 20 gauge 3" Magnum. 24" barrel, mirror like bores, full choke. This is a deluxe version, trigger selector, game scene engraving, swivel attached to barrel for sling, gold trigger. Nice walnut stock with checkering. A few handling marks, but overall nice. Classic joined barrels, L.O.P 14 1/4", topped with Tasco 3x9x50, fine crosshair clear optics. Bluing 96% plus. The 24's are becoming an American icon. I try to bring a few across the pond on every batch. Nice handy gun.

175 Savage 24, Chambered .410, .22 Win Mag, mirror like bores, side barrel selector, joined barrels. L.O.P. on this one is 12". Perfect first youth gun, tight lockup. hardwood stock, some handling marks, but in very good shape. Bluing 95%. Quickly becoming American Icons.
SOLD $750.00
SOLD $750.00

179 Krieghoff Waldshutz Drilling, Chambered 16x16x6.5x57R. The 6.5 is a wonderful flat shooting cartridge, very like the .260 Remington. Another of my favorites. Bores are mirror like, and as an added bonus, full length "Einstecklauf", sub caliber insert, chambered in .22 Hornet. Shotgun is choked full, and modified, bluing 97% plus, Fine grain walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, L.O.P. 14 1/4".
Greener cross bolt, very tight locking gun, set trigger. very few handling marks, has cocking indicator, all the nice features of a Drilling. Clear Karl Kapps 2.5x10x56 scope with cross hair, including claw mounts. Top investment, and performance in this one.
Greener cross bolt, very tight locking gun, set trigger. very few handling marks, has cocking indicator, all the nice features of a Drilling. Clear Karl Kapps 2.5x10x56 scope with cross hair, including claw mounts. Top investment, and performance in this one.

180 J.P. Sauer & Sohn 3000 Luxus. Chambered 16x16x6.5x57R. Nice game scene engraving, mirror like barrels, choked modified, and full. Bluing 98%. Claw base, no rings, awaiting your own custom mount, and scope. Set trigger, cocking indicators, greener cross bolt. Very rich smooth walnut stock, Bavarian cheek, L.O.P 14 1/4". The wood on this gun is almost like a burl walnut. Even though this gun does not have a scope, I could not resist purchasing it because of the fine quality. very few handling marks. Fine value, nice example of a drilling

184 J.P. Sauer & Sohn Drilling. 1956 model chambered 16x16x7x57R. Greener cross bolt, set triggers, and cocking indicators. All the nice features. Bluing on barrels 95%, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. Nice dark straight walnut stock with cheek, L.O.P. 14". A few handling marks, but overall very nice for this vintage gun. Barrel is topped with claw mounts, and Tasco 3x9 40 scope, clear optics, and German number one pointer. the older Tasco scopes like this were made with quality. very good value, The Drillings of the 1950's, 60' were well crafted. A lot of hand fitting.

187 J.P Sauer & Sohn Drilling. 1958 Dural chambered in my favorite, 16x16x7x57R. Mirror like bores, L.O.P. 14 1/2" L.O.P. Extremely tight lockup. All the features, greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Bluing 95%, very nice burl looking walnut stock with Bavarian cheek. Barrel topped with clear Herburtus Supra 6x42 scope, with German number one pointer. Very few handling marks on a gun of this vintage. If you are looking for a nice all day carry gun, this drilling is it. If I were to keep a gun for myself on this batch, this Drilling would be my choice. Chambered in 7x57R, is hard to beat.

204 Krieghoff Trumpf Drilling. Chambered 16x16x7x65R. Can't say enough about the performance of the 65. will try to post a pic of a 400lb. bear taken this year here on our land taken with a drilling in this chambering. Made in 1966, this is what was called a floating barrel drilling. Slight gap between the upper barrels, and the rifle, and joined at the muzzle. The barrel is inside a tube, at a slifgt distance you cannot tell the barrels are not joined. These guns are known for accuracy, and of course the Kreighoff quality speaks for it's self. Bluing 95%, greener cross bolt, set trigger, L.O.P. 14 1/2". Nice dark walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek. Some handling marks, but nice for a gun of this vintage. Very solid lock up, barrel topped with claw mounts, and clear Zeiss Diatal-Z 8x56 scope, heavy pointer fine crosshair. Right shotgun barrel pre-notched for "Einstecklauf", sub caliber insert. Fine Quality drilling.
$3950.00 SOLD
$3950.00 SOLD

209 JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 1954. 2 3/4 " chambers, 16x16x7x57R, mirror like bores choked modified, and full. This gun is in very nice condition for this vintage. Cocking indicators, greener cross bolt, set trigger, L.O.P. 14/12 ". 23 1/2" barrels topped with E.A.W. swivel mounts, and Swarovski 8x56 scope, clear optics, German number 1 pointer. E.A.W. mounts lends itself to other scope options. Bluing 98%, receiver with slight patina. Very nice rich grained walnut Bavarian walnut stock with cheek, and few handling marks. Beavertail forearm, good value for a nice vintage drilling.

211 Krieghoff Trumpf Dural, 1965. 16x16x 8x57JRS, 2 3/4" chambers, modified, and full with mirror like bores. This is among my pet calibers. Great performance, in a great round. 23 1/2" barrels, choked modified, and full. Bluing 97% plus, topped claw mounts, and Zeiss Diatal 4x32 scope, clear optics, German Number 1 pointer. Nice straight walnut stock, with cheek, L.O.P 13 3/4". Very few handling marks for a gun of this vintage, finish worn some on one side of forearm from carrying. Cocking indicators, Greener cross bolt, set trigger. very tight locking gun, and with the dural receiver, makes for a light all day carry drilling. If you walk alot as I do, you come to appreciate a fine gun like this.

212 JP Sauer& Sohn Drilling, 1956, 2/3/4" chambers, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. 16x16x 7x57R, probably my favorite chambering in a drilling. 23 1/2" barrel, tight lockup, Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. Barrel topped with E.A.W. mounts, Zeiss Diatal 8x56 scope, German Number 1 pointer, and clear optics. L.O.P. 14 3/4 ", Bluing 95%. Nice straight walnut stock with cheek, some handling marks, what I call honest wear. Good value for a vintage gun. and the E.A.W mounts make for ease adding a second scope.
SOLD $2890.00
SOLD $2890.00

215 JP Sauer & Sohn Dural Drilling, 1958, 2 3/4" 16x16x6.5x57R. Excellent bores, 23 5/8" barrel, choked modified, and full, topped with claw mounts, clear B. Nichol Marburg 4x34 scope, German number 1 pointer. Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. Bluing 97%, L.O.P. 14 1/4". Rich grained walnut Bavarian stock, with cheek, original butt plate, and very few handling marks for a gun of this vintage. Extremely tight action, and durals are nice for long days in the field walking. Good choice on this drilling
$ 3300.00
$ 3300.00

218 Krieghoff Waldshutz Drilling, 1978, 2 3/4" chambers, 16x16x7x65R choked modified, and full with mirror like bores. Very well made tight gun, Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. 23 5/8 " barrel, topped with claw mounts, and Subertus 4x36 scope clear optics. Nice Bavarian walnut stock with cheek, some handling marks. Bluing is worn in places, I would call this one 75%. Original butt plate, L.O.P.13 1/2".
$2750.00 SOLD
$2750.00 SOLD

220. J P Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 1966. 2 3/4” chamber, 16x16x7x57R. Mirror like bores, modified, and full. Barrels topped with see thru claw mounts, Karl Kapps 6x42 scope, German number 1 pointer, and clear optics. This gun is in great shape for the vintage, bluing 98%, and rich walnut Bavarian stock with cheek. Hardly a scratch on the wood, and original Sauer butt plate. Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. 23 5/8” barrel make for smooth handling. L.O.P 14 1/4”. This particular gun,along with 7x57R chambering would be one of my top choices.

225 Merkel Model 30 Drilling, 1983, 2 3/4" chambers, choked modified, and full 16x16x7x57R, with excellent bores. Bluing 97%, barrel topped with see thru claw mounts, 6x Zeiss Jena scope, German number 1 pointer, clear optics. Greener cross bolt cocking indicators, and set trigger. Nice Bavarian walnut stock with cheek, A few handling marks, but well cared for. This is a Luxus grade with nice game scene engraving. If you ever wanted an affordable Merkel this gun fits the bill. L.O.P. 14 1/4".
$3450.00 SOLD
$3450.00 SOLD

229- J.P. & Sohn Combination Gun, 1963 2 3/4" chambered 16x7x65R, 25 1/2" barrel with mirror like bores, choked full. Very nice dark walnut stock, Bavarian cheek, original Sauer butt plate, L.O.P. 14". Very few handling marks, bluing 97%. Barrel with mirror like bores, Greener crossbolt, set trigger, topped with Zeiss Diavari 1.5x6x42 scope, see thru claw mount, clear optics, and German number 1 pointer. Nice fitted case included, along with factory Sauer Brochure, and test target. Very nice handling vintage Sauer.

230- Franz Zodia Luxus Grade Combination Gun, 1952. 23 3/4" barrel chambered 16x7x57R, mirror like bores, full choke. Greener crossbolt, set trigger, L.O.P. 14 1/4". Bluing 97%. Barrel topped with claw mounts, Swarovski six power scope, heavy crosshair, and fine cross in center. points up very quick, and nice, clear optics. Very nice walnut furniture with cheek. Very nice condition for a vintage 1952 gun. Well made and excellent value, superlative engraving.

232 - Krieghoff Luxus Grade Combinatiobn Gun,16x.243 win. 1966. 25" barrel, choked full, mirror like bores. Bluing 97%, Greener cross bolt, set trigger. Deep Walnut stock, Bavarian cheek, L.O.P. 14". Very few handling marks, original butt plater, Greener cross bolt, and set trigger. Barrel toped with claw mounts, Schmidt & Bender 3x12, fine cross hair, and compensator, clear optics, very expensive scope. Engraving deeply done with game scenes. Perfect gun for deer, turkey, and grouse.

233 - JP Sauer &Sohn Drilling 16x16x6.5x57R, 1957. 23 3/4" barrel, 2 3/4" chambers choked modified, and full. Mirror like bores, Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Barrel topped with claw mounts, Swaroski 3x12x56 scope, heavy cross hair with fine cross hair in the center. This pattern points up quick, clear optics. As added bonus, full length .22 Hornet sub caliber insert for right barrel. Bluing 95% plus, nice dark walnut stock with cheek, L.O.P. 14 1/2" Some handling marks, and some scuffs at the toe that could be sanded out. Nice vintage Sauer especially with the addition of the Hornet insert

234 - Simson Suhl 16x16 Luxus grade shotgun, 1973. Very nice game scene engraved gun, 28 " barrels choked, modified, and full. Excellent bores, Greener cross bolt, 98% bluing, walnut stock with cheek, and very, few handling marks. L.O.P. 15 ". Light weight, and easy handling, if you are looking for a nice double here is a good value.

235 Krieghoff Luxus grade Combination gun, 1976. 25" barrel chambered full choke, 16x .243 Win. Excellent mirror like bore, floral pattern engraving, Greener cross bolt, set trigger, L.O.P. 14 1/2" Bluing 98%, barrel topped with claw mounts, Zeiss Diatal 6x42, German Number 1 pointer, clear optics. Very nice walnut Bavarian stock with cheek. Well preserved gun, that would make a perfect upland game gun.

236 - JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x65R, 1958. choked modified, and full, 23 5/8" barrels with mirror like bores. Cocking indicators, Greener crossbolt, set trigger. Bluing 95% plus, rich dark walnut with Bavarian cheek, original Sauer butt plate L.O.P. 14 1/2". Claw mounts, Zeiss Diatal 6x42 scope, clear optics with German number 1 pointer. A few handling marks, but this is what I call an honest gun. Hunted but well cared for for many years, and will serve well for years to come.

239 - Fortuna Suhl Drilling, 16x16x 6.6x57R, 1978.
This is a Luxus grade gun with nice game scene engraving, detailed fine engraving around the breech, and tang. 24 7/8 " barrels choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Bluing I would put at 92%, claw mounts, Zeiss 6x42 scope, heavy cross hair with fine cross hair in the center. Very nice match, comes up on point quick, clear optics. Nicely figured walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, very few handling marks, and original butt plate. L.O.P. 14 1/4".
This is a Luxus grade gun with nice game scene engraving, detailed fine engraving around the breech, and tang. 24 7/8 " barrels choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Bluing I would put at 92%, claw mounts, Zeiss 6x42 scope, heavy cross hair with fine cross hair in the center. Very nice match, comes up on point quick, clear optics. Nicely figured walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, very few handling marks, and original butt plate. L.O.P. 14 1/4".

240 - Hubertus Suhl Drilling, 16x16x8x57 JRS, 1957. Very fine light weight Dural, appears this gun was hardly ever used, perhaps one of the most minty I have acquired. Bluing 99%, near flawless straight walnut stock with cheek. Cocking indicators, Greener cross bolt, set trigger, all the regular bells. 25 5/8" barrel, with minty mirror like bores, choked modified, and full. Has see thru claw mounts topped with older Hensoldt Wetzlar, ( Zeiss) scope, 4 power, with German number 1 pointer, and clear optics. The finish on the scope is almost like the Royal Blue, found on the classic Colt Python Pistol. L.O.P. 14 3/4". Exceptional vintage drilling.

241 - Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x6.5x57R, 1972. Very solid gun, 25" barrel choked modified, and full, with mirror like bores, Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Bluing 85%, barrel topped with claw mounts, Zeiss Diatal 6x42 with German number 1 pointer. Stock has a few handling marks, but nice, Bavarian style with cheek, semi beavertail forearm, and original butt plate. L.O.P. 14 1/4". Nice solid working drilling that will serve well for many years.

242 - Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x65R, 1962. Very nice vintage gun, solid, and well cared for. 23 5/8" barrel, choked modified, and full, excellent bores. Bluing 96%, Greener cross bolt cocking indicators, and set trigger. Barrel topped with claw mounts, 2 1/2x6 Supra scope, German number 1 pointer, and clear optics. Very nice grained walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, and butt pad. L.O.P. 14 3/4". Very few handling marks, nice older vintage Drilling.

243 - Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x57R, 1963. 23 5/8" barrel, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. This is a nice clean light weight Dural, and tight. Bluing 95%, Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Barrel topped with see thru claw mounts, and Geco 6x42 scope with German number 1 pointer, clear optics. Rich dark walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, and original Sauer butt plate. Few but some handling marks. L.O.P. 14 1/2". Nice vintage light weight Sauer drilling.
$ 3050.00
$ 3050.00

244 - Simpson Suhl Drilling, 12x12x30-06, 1984. If you are looking for a drilling up to challenge for any North American game, this is it. 24 7/8" barrels, chambered modified, and full. Excellent bores, bluing 95% plus. Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Claw mounts, with Zeiss Diatal 6x42 scope, clear optics, German number 1 pointer. Very nice walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, and very few handling marks. Well cared for drilling, and good value.
Sold $3650.00
Sold $3650.00

246 - Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x57R, 1961. Nice vintage Luxus grade Sauer with game scene engraving. These early guns were made by true craftsman of the trade. Fancy trigger guard, 23 3/4" barrels choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. Bluing 95%, barrel topped with claw mounts, Schmidt & Bender 1/4x4 scope, solid post with fine cross hair. Clear optics, and well suited to moving game. Dark walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, few handling marks. L.O.P. 14 1/2". Nice vintage Drilling

247 - Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x65R, 1968. Well cared for vintage Sauer, 25" barrels, mirror like bores, tight lockup, bluing 95%. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Barrels topped with claw mounts, clear Schmidt & Bender 8x56 scope, German number 1 pointer. Nice walnut furniture, with Bavarian cheek, and original Sauer butt plate. Very few handling marks on this gun, especially for the vintage. L.O.P. 14". Good value.

248 - Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x57R, 1961.
Another nice vintage Drilling from the era of true craftsman. 23 7/8" barrels with mirror like bores, bluing 95%, very tight lock up. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. See thru claw mounts topped with a Zeiss Diatal 6x42 scope, german number 1 pointer, clear optics. Rich grained walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, and original Sauer butt plate. Very few handling marks on this gun. L.O.P. 14 1/4". Good value here folks.
Another nice vintage Drilling from the era of true craftsman. 23 7/8" barrels with mirror like bores, bluing 95%, very tight lock up. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. See thru claw mounts topped with a Zeiss Diatal 6x42 scope, german number 1 pointer, clear optics. Rich grained walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, and original Sauer butt plate. Very few handling marks on this gun. L.O.P. 14 1/4". Good value here folks.

249 - J.P. Sauer & Sohn Drilling 16x16x 8x57R, 1954. Extremely nice vintage Sauer, 23 5/8" barrels chocked modified, and full. Bluing 97%, well cared for gun. See thru claw mounts topped with very nice Schmidt & Bender scope, 3x12, heavy crosshair with fine crosshair in the center, come up to point very well. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. Smooth, clean straight walnut stock with cheek. At some point the stock was shortened, then added onto but done very nice. L.O.P. 15 1/4". As an added bonus this gun come with a full length sub caliber insert chambered in 22 Savage High Power. Mean old round for varmint hunting. Good value, the insert alone would cost over a $ 1000.00.

250B - JP Sauer& Sohn, 16x16x7x57R, 1965. Very nice light weight vintage Dural, well cared for.23 5/8" barrels with mirror like bores choked modified and full. Bluing 95%, see thru claw mounts, topped with Khales Helia 3x9 scope with German number 4 pointer. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Rich grained walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, and few handling marks. Original Sauer butt plate, L.O.P. 13 1/2". Well appointed drilling in a fantastic caliber, nice for all day carry.

251 - Simpson Suhl Drilling 16x16x7x65R, 1963. Well kept vintage Drilling, 25 3/4" barrels, mirror like bores, choked modified, and full, bluing 95% plus. Claw mounts topped with clear Schmidt & Bender scope, 8x56, German number 1 pointer. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Nice dark walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, and nice butt pad. Very few handling marks, Solid tight, and well cared for. L.O.P. 14 5/8"

253 - Sodia Ferlacher Combination Gun 16x7x65R 1969. Very nice Luxus grade gun, with incredible game scene engraving top, and bottom. True master engraving on this one. Engraving extends to the tang, and trigger guard. 23 5/8" barrels, choked full, bluing 95%, topped with claw mounts, and Zeiss Diavari 1.5x6 scope with fine German number 4 pointer, clear optics. Wood is almost flawless, with rich high grade walnut stock, and double cheek. Greener crossbolt, set trigger, L.O.P. 14 1/2". Great value here folks, and chambered in a very flat shooting, hard hitting caliber.
$ 3650.00 SOLD
$ 3650.00 SOLD

259 - Blaser model ES-63 combination , some engraving, 12x.243 Win. 23 2/3" barrel, excellent bores, choked full, set trigger. Bluing 98%, barrel topped with E.A.W twist off mounts. Very versatile for having more than one scope. Hertal Reuss 6x46 with German number 3 pointer, clear optics. Very nice walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, original butt plate. This to is what is referred to as a single lock gun. Tang must be slid forward to cock each time a barrel is fired. sliding tang back un cocks the firearm. very safe set up. Rather minty firearm, early 80's, L.O.P. 14 1/4"

260 - TC Krieghoff Trumph Drilling, 20x20x .243 Winchester. 25" 2 /3/4" barrel chambered Modified, and Full. Excellent mirror bores, Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators set trigger. Bluing 98% plus, barrel topped with E.A.W. swivel mount, and excellent Schmidt & Bender 3x12 scope, with illuminated reticle. very expensive glass on this one, and clear optics. Beautiful walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, original butt plate, L.O.P 14 1/4". Few if any marks on this gun, excellent condition. This gun belongs to a good customer of mine. I personally hand picked this drilling while on one of my many trips to Germany. Reason for selling, simply down sizing the collection some. Not rare, but in a 20 gauge, .243 not easy to come by. very, very good value for the price.
Sold $6500.00
Sold $6500.00

266- Krieghoff Neptune Primus Drilling, 1969. One of the most superlative side lock Drillings made. Demonstrates the true gun makers art. Chambered 16x16x6.5x57R, cocking indicators, set trigger, Greener crossbolt. Choked modified, and full, 24 7/8" barrel, with mint bores, bluing 97% plus. Barrel is topped with Zeiss Diavari ZM, 2,5x10x 48, German number one pointer, clear optics, and EAW type swivel mounts. Beautiful high grade walnut stock, with German cheek. Very few handling marks, L.O.P. 14 1/2". Very, very nice game scene engraving. Hard to come by in this price range for such a gun.
$9775.00 SOLD
$9775.00 SOLD

268 - Krieghoff BBF Combination Gun, 16x7x57R, 1965. Light weight Dural receiver, Luxus grade with scroll engraving. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. 25" barrel, choked full, with mirror like bores, bluing 98%. Additional 16x16 barrel choked modified, and full, 27 3/4". 1.5x6 Zeiss Diavari scope, German number 4 pointer, claw mounts, clear optics. Rich dark walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, and original butt plate, L.O.P.14 1/4". Very few handling marks, very minty , tight action gun for the vintage. Includes nice original fitted case, and some of the original literature. If you desire a top two barrel set, this is it folks.
$4850.00 SOLD
$4850.00 SOLD

269 - J.P. Sauer & Sohn Drilling 16x16x7x57R, 1960. Very nice vintage gun chambered in one of my favorite calibers. 23 5/8" barrel, mirror like bores, choked modified, and full. All the bells, cocking indicators, set trigger, and Greener crossbolt. Bluing 97%, barrel topped with claw mounts, Zeiss Diavari 1.5x6, German number one pointer, clear optics.Nice dark walnut stock, Bavarian cheek, with very few handling marks. L.O.P 14 1/4". Well cared for Drilling, ready to serve for many more years to come.
$3250.00 SOLD
$3250.00 SOLD

270 - Merkel BBF Combination GUn, 12x7x65R, 1972. Very nice vintage Merkel Luxus grade, with game scene engraving, nicely appointed. 25 5/8" barrel, full choke, mirror like bore. Barrel topped with claw mounts, Kahles Helia 8x56 scope, German number one pointer, clear optics, and see thru mounts. Bluing 97%, nice walnut stock with straight cheek, and very few handling marks. Merkel quality speaks for itself. Good value, and great caliber, similar to the .280 Remington.

272 - JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x6.5x57R,1954. Exceptional vintage gun, 23 5/8" barrels, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. Bluing 95% plus, cocking indicators, set trigger, Greener crossbolt. Barrel topped with EAW type swivel mount, Schmidt & Bender 6x42, with German number one pointer, clear optics. Nice walnut stock, straight cheek, newer butt pad, L.O.P. 14 1/2". Very few handling marks, on this fine vintage gun. As a bonus has bullet trap at the heel of the stock. Well done, and well cared for

273 - Simpson Suhl Drilling, 12x12x9.3x74R, 1987.24 7/8" barrel choked modified, and full, very nice bores. Bluing 97%, barrel topped with swivel mounts, and Zeiss Diavari ZM 3x12x56, with German number one pointer, clear optics. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. This is a Luxus grade gun, nice game scene engraving. Dark walnut stock, Bavarian cheek, some handling marks, and small chip, right side of receiver, very minor, L.O.P. 14 1/2". Includes .22 Win mag sub caliber insert. If you, are looking for an truly big game Drilling, in this caliber this is it. Great for a guide gun, or large bear country. This round is also allowed in certain African country's, similar in performance to the .375 H&H. Has a long, and famous history. I do not run across many of these, but secured two on this current batch. Good value.

274 - Simpson Suhl 16x16x7x57R Drilling, 1982. Nice Luxus grade gun, with game scene engraving. 24 3/4" barrel choked modified, and full, mirror like bores, Bluing I put at 95%, some wear under the barrel, perhaps from a gun rack, but overall nice. Claw mounts, with a picatanty mount, allows option of adding a second scope with ease. Current scope, Zeiss Diavari Z, 2.5x10x52, heavy crosshair, with fine crosshair in the center, clear optics. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. Dark walnut stock, Bavarian cheek, with a few handling marks, L.O.P. 13 3/4". Nice tight gun, value priced.

275 - JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x57R, 1961. Very nice vintage Luxus grade Dural, with game scene engraving, and beautiful appointed engraved bullet trap. This one is among my favorites received on this batch. 23 5/8" barrel, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. Bluing 97% plus, see thru claw mounts, Zeiss Diavari, 1 1/2x6, German number one pointer, clear optics. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. Beautiful dark walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, very few handling marks for a gun of this vintage. Light weight, perfect for all day carry.
$3550.00 SOLD
$3550.00 SOLD

276 - JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x65R, 1965. 251/2" barrel choked modified, and full, bluing 95%, mirror like bores. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Has EAW type swivel mount, Zeiss Diavari ZA, 2.5x10,52 scope, heavy crosshair, with fine cross hair in the center, clear optics. Nice dark walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, and butt pad. Very few handling marks, well cared for, L.O.P. 14 3/4". Added bonus, includes a ,22 Win Mag insert. For all you south paws, this is a lefty. I find them now, and then, and try to bring a few in.
SOLD $3650.00
SOLD $3650.00

277 - JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x57R. Another fine vintage drilling in one of my favorite calibers. Luxus, Dural, grade, game scene engraving, 23 5/8" barrel, 98% bluing, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. See thru claw mounts, Zeiss Diavari, 1.5x6, German number two pointer, clear optics. Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, and set trigger. Nice rich dark walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, L.O.P. 14 1/4". Very few handling marks, well cared for, and great light weight all day carry drilling.
SOLD $3350.00
SOLD $3350.00

278 - JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling 16x16x7x65R, 1967. Nice tight vintage gun, 24 7/8" barrel, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. Bluing 95%, claw mounts topped Zeiss Diatal 6x42 scope, German number one pointer, clear optics. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Nice walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, original burr plate, a few handling marks. Solid, and well cared for, chambered in a great caliber.

280 - Merkel Combination gun, 16x7x65R, 1960. Nice vintage gun, has Q1 designation. Retains the original case hardening on the receiver. 25 5/8" barrel, full choke, mint bore, Greener crossbolt, and set trigger. Bluing 98%, barrel topped with see thru claw mounts, Zeiss Jena 6x42, with German number one pointer, clear optics. Nice walnut stock with straight cheek, original butt plate. Second barrel, 28", choked modified, and full, again, mirror like bores. L.O.P.14 1/4". A few handling marks, but a very nice two barrel set, and good value.

281 - Merkel 211E Combination gun, 12x7x65R, 1968. Nice older Merkel, very solid, 25 1/2" barrel choked full. Bluing 90%, Luxus grade with game scene engraving. True craftsmanship in the engraving. Barrel topped with Zeiss Diatal 1.5x6, heavy cross hair with fine cross hair in the center. This configuration, points up very nice. Quick on target. Greener crossbolt, with set trigger. Extra 12x12 barrel, 28", mirror like bores, choked modified, and full. Walnut stock, with straight cheek. Stock does have handling marks, but very solid.

282 - JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x8x57 JRS, 1956. Very fine vintage drilling, in an excellent caliber. Bluing 98%, 23 5/8" barrel choked, modified, and full, mirror like bores. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Barrel topped with see thru claw mounts, Zeiss Diatal 6x42 scope, German number one pointer, clear optics. Fine walnut stock, very few handling marks, straight cheek, L.O.P. 14 1/2". With the mirror like bores, this is a fine vintage drilling, well cared for.

283 - Merkel Drilling, 16x16x7x65R, 1981. 24 3/4" barrel, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores, bluing 95%. Barrel topped with swivel mounts, and expensive, Swarovski 3x12x56 scope, fine cross hair, clear optics. Great for early morning, and laten evening hunting. Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Very nice walnut stock, with Bavarian cheek, and butt pad, Very few handling marks, L.O.P.14". Suitable for a wide array of game.

284 - JP Sauer & Sohn Drilling, 16x16x7x65R, 1969. One of my favorites on this batch, 25" barrel, 97% bluing, choked modified, and full, mirror like bores. Barrel topped with claw mounts, Zeiss Diatal 6x42, German number one pointer, clear optics. Luxus grade, with game scene engraving, Greener crossbolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Very nice rich dark walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, very few handling marks, L.O.P. 14 1/2". Well cared for drilling.
SOLD $3150.00
SOLD $3150.00

285 - Krieghoff Sempert Drilling, 16x16x8x57JRS, 1976. Here we have a very nice Luxus grade, top notch game scene engraving, on the tang, and bullet trap. Truly done by a master. Such work today would cost thousands. 26 3/4" barrel, mirror like bores, bluing 98%. Barrels, choked modified, and full, Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. See thru claw mounts, Zeiss Diavari-Z, 8x56, heavy crosshair, with fine cross hair in center, points up nice, clear optics. Deep dark walnut stock, with straight cheek, L.O.P. 14". Few handling marks, but not many. In terms of engraving, certainly an example of a true master. Bonus, includes a short compact .22 Win Mag sub caliber insert.

286 - Merkel Thalman, 12x12x9.3x74R, 1983. Very fine drilling suitable for any North American game, as well as a lot of African species. Similar to the 375H&H in performance. 24 3/4" barrel, mirror like bores, choked modified, and full, bluing 98%. This is a Luxus grade, nice game scene engraving, Greener cross bolt, cocking indicators, set trigger. Barrel topped with claw mounts, Zeiss Diavari 1.5x6, German number 2 pointer, clear optics. Dark walnut stock with Bavarian cheek, very few handling marks, L.O.P. 14 1/4". Not rare but guns in this chambering are harder to come by. Good investment, especially in pursuit of larger game.
SOLD $4150.00
SOLD $4150.00